Ryan's Journal

"My life amounts to no more than one drop in a limitless ocean. Yet what is any ocean, but a multitude of drops?" — David Mitchell

A Day in Perth

Posted from Perth, Western Australia at 3:55 pm, May 23rd, 2024

After a week of diving in Christmas Island, today I decided that we should visit the Aquarium of Western Australia so we could figure out the names of all of the fish we’ve been seeing. It was actually a really good aquarium, with a 100m long tunnel through a 3 million liter tank being the highlight, although they also had a swimming-pool sized coral reef tank which Audrey and I agreed is something we should get after we win the Powerball.

The afternoon adventure was a walk through the 988 acre King’s Park in downtown Perth. It’s bigger than New York’s Central Park, and two-thirds of it is preserved native bush, while the rest is landscaped mostly with plants from Western Australia, making it a very attractive place for local birds. The highlight of this visit was a walkway 50 feet above the ground in the tree canopy, with the smell of eucalyptus and the sound of birds filling the air. Additionally, just this morning I commented to Audrey that we haven’t seen kookaburras in a while, and this afternoon we encountered five of them huddled together on top of a streetlight. It was an incredibly cute and un-photogenic scene, but one finally flew to the top of a nearby tree, providing our first opportunity for a photo of a kookaburra that wasn’t on an electrical line or other man-made object.

Tomorrow we’re flying to Alice Springs for a brief visit to the red center of Australia. We’ve been traversing timezones at a rapid rate lately – Christmas Island is one hour behind Perth, and Perth is 1.5 hours behind Alice Springs – so sunrise wakeups over the next few days may be interesting challenges, but I’m looking forward to seeing some iconic landscapes in the morning light.

Corella, Perth

This bird is a corella, which is in the cockatoo family. We photographed him from a parking lot where a local man informed us that they call them Australian alarm clocks due to their loud calls.

Kookaburra, Perth

We’ve been seeing kookaburras since Tasmania, but they like to perch on electrical wires, which doesn’t make for pretty photos. This guy was perched WAY up in a tree in King’s Park making it hard to see his giant beak and head, but it may be my only photo of this iconic bird where it isn’t perched on a man-made object.

2 responses to “A Day in Perth”

  1. Kookaburra sits in the old gum tree
    Merry merry king of the bush is he
    Laugh Kookaburra
    Laugh Kookaburra
    How gay your life must be….

    that is all I can remember from childhood…it was one of my fav kid songs/rhymes.

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