When we first moved in Audrey purchased a handful of internet-enabled cameras to use for security. They give her peace of mind, and she actually captured video of someone stealing a Halloween decoration out of our yard a few years ago, as well as a blurry video of a car theft on our street last Christmas Eve.
Recently Nest (Google) changed their subscription model so that we no longer have to pay per-camera to have video processed and stored in the cloud, and with there no longer being a disincentive to having lots of cameras I decided to expand our use of cameras beyond security. Six shiny new Nest Outdoor cams arrived in the mail a few months ago, providing Audrey with a couple of upgraded cameras for security, giving me a rat cam for the attic (just in case the little buggers ever try to move back in), and, most importantly, giving us a possum cam, a bird feeder cam, and a squirrel cam for the backyard. Getting a notification on our phones at night when the cameras detect motion, or checking in the morning to see whether it was a possum, raccoon, skunk, or someone else who visited in the night, have become some of our new favorite activities.

Could you please tell Dale to take a vacation when we visit?