Three weeks ago I needed to drive to Las Vegas to meet my brother, who was starting a road trip across the country and wanted to spend a day together in Sin City. I figured that this trip was the perfect excuse to take a day off of work, allowing me to see this year’s Super Bloom while avoiding the “poppy apocalypse” created by weekend crowds. I expected the flowers at the Antelope Valley Poppy Reserve to be nice, but to say they exceeded expectations would be a gross understatement.

Landscape by Dr. Seuss, Antelope Valley Poppy Reserve.

“The perfect blossom is a rare thing. You could spend your entire life looking for one, and it would not be a wasted life.”

The orange flowers and the yellow flowers were best friends.

It was nearly impossible to take a photo that didn’t include at least a dozen poppies.
Spectacular pictures!
Sorry we missed them.