Ryan's Journal

"My life amounts to no more than one drop in a limitless ocean. Yet what is any ocean, but a multitude of drops?" — David Mitchell

Miner, Miner, Miner

Posted from Lafayette, California at 12:40 am, June 12th, 2005

Went to the Giants game with Aaron and seven other folks and watched the Indians trounce the home team, including a five run outburst in the ninth inning, all with two outs. Afterwards, on the long walk from the stadium to Sam Wo’s, we passed a homeless guy holding up a cardboard sign:

“Family kidnapped by ninjas. Need $$$ for karate lessons.”

Also worth remembering was Miner’s rant about the guy sitting in his seat (which went on for at least a half hour and scared several people out of the stadium bathroom), Nish’s infatuation with the smell of laundry, the waitress at Sam Wo’s refusing to take orders until she’d gotten a round of high-five’s, the round-trippers, and Kenny’s baffling inability to operate the BART entry gate. A classic evening.

3 responses to “Miner, Miner, Miner”

    1. and sadly, even after living in the bay area (on and off) for a decade, that’s still the only way my simple brain can ever remember how to find the place.

      on a tangentially related note, where was the tacqueria off of highway one that you took me to? i’ve found it accidentally a couple of times while heading down to monterey, but can never remember where it was afterwards. the town needs to have a president’s name, then my small brain and i would be all good.

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