Ryan's Journal

"My life amounts to no more than one drop in a limitless ocean. Yet what is any ocean, but a multitude of drops?" — David Mitchell

Evidence for the Hearing

Posted from Lafayette, California at 9:35 pm, May 17th, 2005

From an email I wrote in January 1998:

“Keep in touch, ’cause otherwise we’ll be out of touch.”

And the scary thing is, I’m pretty sure I’m getting dumber as I get older.

2 responses to “Evidence for the Hearing”

  1. no, i think that’s pretty good. sometimes people don’t think of the consequences. you gotta remind them. “you don’t want to be out of touch, do you?? good, then you have to keep. in. touch.”

    1. you may be the only person on this planet who wouldn’t scrunch their face up like a gnome and then look at me as if a foot was suddenly growing out of my forehead when i uttered something like the above. and of course, that is why, until my dying days, i will tell people of the legend of josh and his aura of kewl.

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