Ryan's Journal

"My life amounts to no more than one drop in a limitless ocean. Yet what is any ocean, but a multitude of drops?" — David Mitchell

Toluca Lake, California

Posted at 10:15 pm, August 1st, 2004

It’s a well known fact that attractive women can use their hotness for good or for evil. It’s also well known that the likelihood that a woman will use her hotness for evil is directly proportional to how much hotness she possesses. Today at Kinko’s a woman came up to me who was so far off of the charts that the thought “I need to come to Kinko’s more often” actually flashed through my head before my idiot filter was able to stop it.

She wanted to borrow my cell phone since hers had died and the person she was meeting at Kinko’s hadn’t shown up. Knowing that evil was imminent I was on my guard, but since I had no where to be I handed over the phone, and watched for the next twenty freakin’ minutes as she argued with her boyfriend. Judging solely by her looks I had expected that she might either steal the phone or else use it call in a bomb threat or something somewhere, so being able to just sit around and wait for her to finish was in a weird way almost a relief.

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