Ryan's Journal

"My life amounts to no more than one drop in a limitless ocean. Yet what is any ocean, but a multitude of drops?" — David Mitchell

Burbank, California

Posted at 7:00 pm, June 12th, 2003

Dave Barry’s log entry for today:

TECHNICAL ADVISORY (posted by Dave 5:05 PM)

This blog has thoroughly screwed up everything in its house related to computers. It started when this blog, which has always been a PC kind of blog, bought an Apple Powerbook computer. Please understand: This blog loves its Powerbook very much. But the Powerbook was not getting along all that well with this blog’s network, the rest of which is PC computers. Sometimes they would let the Powerbook in, but sometimes they would laugh and call the Powerbook names, and not let it play their PC games. So today this blog, having learned NOTHING, EVER, IN ITS WHOLE LIFE and being A COMPLETE MORON, decided to make a few little tweaky adjustments to the network, and now this blog is in TOTAL LINKSYS ROUTER HELL, which involves 53 MILLION SETTINGS with Martian names like “PPPoE” and “Subnet Mask” and “DHCP” and God only knows what else. And of course NOTHING WORKS, NOTHING, and NOTHING EVER WILL AGAIN until Technical Support arrives, if it ever does. This blog is publishing this item via a primitive telephone line made of rope. It may be the last one for a while.

The moral is: If you have a computer, DO NOT CHANGE ANYTHING. Just LIVE WITH IT.

TECHNICAL UPDATE (posted by Dave 5:27 PM)

If your computer system is working properly, be advised that this blog hates you.

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