The latest:
- The final details of the May 2006 Galapagos trip are being worked out with Thalia & Greg. I’ve been collecting the names of people who have said they might want to come, but if you’re at all interested please drop me an email so that I can make sure I keep you in the loop. Costs (not including the flight to Quito) will be in the $3000 range for a two week trip, although you’re welcome to stay longer. Scuba diving at Darwin and Wolf should also be a possibility.
- The apartment search is ongoing — hopefully I’ll have a place in the Bay Area soon, after which a road trip may be needed.
- I’m not planning on working a regular job for a while. There have been several ideas rattling around in my head for a few years that I’d like to play with, so it won’t be until after I fail miserably with those that I’ll start thinking of what to do next.
- I’ve started running again, but at the moment I’m moving about as fast as a 160 pound sack of crap. Despite that I need to avenge my loss in the San Diego marathon to that 66 year old woman — the next time I run a marathon there will be no old ladies crossing the line in front of me. Old men, maybe — 26 miles is a long way to run, and those old dudes are wily little bastards.
Lastly, since this journal is slightly less boring when pictures are posted, here’s one from one of the rare sunny days while on South Georgia:
King Penguins in Gold Harbour