Ryan's Journal

"My life amounts to no more than one drop in a limitless ocean. Yet what is any ocean, but a multitude of drops?" — David Mitchell

Glendale, California

Posted at 11:30 pm, August 6th, 2003

The insomnia continues, and it’s been combined with long working hours due to the fact that a new co-worker literally disappeared for two weeks before sending word that he was resigning. Excluding the extra work inherited from him, most of my projects right now have a high potential for evoking euphoria among the users, which is a very cool thing — it’s not often a programmer gets to produce something that could inspire the composition of epic ballads or interpretive dance. Although now that I’m picturing it, the image of John and Mike doing an interpretive dance to celebrate the new code isn’t all that rewarding of a thought.

Anyways, with only 143 days left until the next retirement it isn’t really worth it to dwell on work. Had a fun night eating raw fish last night with a friend, and will be jamming along with the Blue Man Group tomorrow night, so there’s life outside of Warner Brothers. And lest I forget, those of you hating me right now for not responding to e-mail, give me a few more days, I’m going to clear the inbox soon, I promise.

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