Ryan's Journal

"My life amounts to no more than one drop in a limitless ocean. Yet what is any ocean, but a multitude of drops?" — David Mitchell

I-5, 150 miles North of Los Angeles, California

Posted at 8:40 pm, June 22nd, 2003

An awesome although ridiculously full weekend:

  • The insomnia continues, so after an hour nap and two hours of lying in bed I took off at midnight Friday for San Francisco via Highway One. Stopped near Hearst Castle at 4:00 AM and fell asleep.
  • Woke up at 6:00 and within ten minutes found a huge group of elephant seals. The secret to elephant seals is apparently to catch them early — when I’ve seen them at mid-morning in Ano Nuevo they barely move, but from sunrise until almost 8:00 AM this group was bellowing and fighting. Got a few photos that should be nice.
  • Continued moseying along the coast, eventually stopping in Monterey to search for sea otters (saw one) and chowder in a bread bowl (ate one).
  • Got back to Concord, unloaded some old clothes to Goodwill, some old books to various used book stores, some hair at Supercuts, then scanned in more of the Galapagos photos. Nap time followed.
  • Took off with the Goob, Jenn, the Tall Guy and Dave for Sam Woo’s and then a rather painful three hours watching the Hulk at the Metreon. The only highlights of that movie were Lou Ferrigno’s cameo and Jennifer Connelly’s close-ups.
  • Finished scanning in photos today, watched a bit of the USA Track and Field Championships on TV (Jorge and Goucher qualify in the 5000, Lincoln takes second in the steeple, Teter qualifies in the 800, woohoo!), and now I’m cruising back home.

It’s all good.

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